[Radiance-general] Re: rendering parameters

Greg Ward [email protected]
Thu, 8 Jan 2004 21:41:11 -0800

Hi John,

I admit to being still a little puzzled by your results.  I'd really 
have to study the input files and run some renderings to figure out 
what's going on with them.  Normally, a little bit of geometry in front 
of the light source shouldn't cause splotches, especially if the -dj 
option is used.


> From: "John S. An" <[email protected]>
> Date: January 8, 2004 12:29:32 PM PST
> Greg,
> That did the trick.  The geometry above the luminaire was the cable 
> which would suspend it.  I simply removed it, and all seems fine now.  
> I feel so stupid, I spent an entire week increasing the -ad parameter 
> and not getting anywhere.
> For my purposes, it is ok to remove the cables at this point from the 
> model.  However, for suspended light fixtures, it doesn't seem 
> possible to ever create an illum that would encompass everything 
> including the cables without having the illum sphere touch up against 
> the ceiling.  This would be more for indirect fixtures than for direct 
> fixtures.  If I needed to keep the suspension cables in the model, 
> what would be the most proper way of defining the light source?
> John