[Radiance-general] Re: os 10.3 panther raypath set

Greg Ward [email protected]
Wed, 26 Nov 2003 18:32:34 -0800

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As much as I hate to change program names, I confess that I can think 
of no better alternative.  The "rview" link to vim was added in recent 
times, I guess.  I'm not even sure what it does differently.  I knew 
that the "view" command was a read-only version of "vi", so it must be 

If we're going to change program names to avoid conflicts, we may as 
well do it right.  I wrote the attached script to detect identically 
named programs in a user's search path.  Just put it on your system and 
execute it:

% chmod +x radcollisions.csh
% ./radcollisions.csh

The script works by first removing components from the search path that 
lead to the program "macbethcal," which I'm assuming is 
Radiance-specific.  Here is the output from my OS X system:

% radcollisions.csh
path was ( /usr/local/ray /Users/gward/bin /usr/local/bin /bin /sbin 
/usr/bin /usr/sbin /Developer/Tools /usr/X11R6/bin . )
path changed to ( /usr/local/bin /bin /sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin 
/Developer/Tools /usr/X11R6/bin )
Conflicting executables on Darwin anyhere.local 7.0.0 Darwin Kernel 
Version 7.0.0: Wed Sep 24 15:48:39 PDT 2003; 
root:xnu/xnu-517.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC Power Macintosh powerpc

If people can run it on their systems and send the output directly to 
my account <[email protected]>, this should give me a pretty good survey of 
what's out there.  If you want to help me even more, you can run "man 
-k" on the programs it names and send this to me as well.  This will 
give me an idea of where the conflicting programs originated.


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#!/bin/csh -f
# Determine executable name collisions with Radiance 3.5
# Assume no one else has a program named this:
echo path was \( $path \)
set testp=macbethcal
while (1)
	set mbc=`which $testp`
	if ( $status ) then
	set radp="$mbc:h"
	set newp=""
	foreach i ($path:q)
		if ("$i" != "$radp") then
			set newp=($newp:q "$i")
	set path=($newp:q)
echo path changed to \( $path \)
echo Conflicting executables on `uname -a`
foreach i ( 3ds2mgf arch2rad bgraph calc cnt compamb cv dayfact \
debugcal dev dgraph dmake ev falsecolor findglare gcomp genbackg \
genblinds genbox gencat genclock genprism genrev genrhgrid gensky \
gensurf genworm getbbox getinfo glare glarendx glaze glrad histo \
ies2rad igraph lam lampcolor lookamb macbethcal markpath meta2tga \
mgf2inv mgf2meta mgf2rad mgfilt mkillum neat nff2rad normpat \
normtiff obj2mesh obj2rad objline objpict objview oconv oki20 \
oki20c pcomb pcompos pcond pcwarp pdelta pdfblur pexpand pextrem \
pfilt pflip phisto pinterp plot4 plotin pmblur protate psign psmeta \
psort pvalue ra_avs ra_bn ra_gif ra_hexbit ra_pict ra_ppm ra_pr \
ra_pr24 ra_ps ra_rgbe ra_t16 ra_t8 ra_tiff ra_xyze rad rad2mgf \
raddepend ranimate ranimove rcalc replmarks rhcopy rhinfo rholo \
rhoptimize rhpict rlux rmake rpict rpiece rtrace rview tabfunc \
thf2rad tmesh2rad total trad ttyimage vinfo vwrays vwright \
x11meta xform xglaresrc ximage xshowtrace xyzimage )
	set conflict=`which $i`
	if (! $status ) then
		echo $conflict

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> From: Georg Mischler <[email protected]>
> Date: November 26, 2003 5:44:08 PM PST
> Personally, I wouldn't have a problem with renaming the rview
> program in Radiance, and I agree that it would be the cleanest
> solution. Backwards compatibility problems may be solved through
> an alias to the old name by those who really can't change their
> habits.
> I'm not sure which one came first, but the rview hard link to vi
> has to be expected on every unix type system (vi is required by
> posix). As has already been mentioned, we're an extremely small
> minority in comparison, so if anyone should move it would be us.
> ...