[Radiance-general] Metal Reflection Problem

Roland Schregle [email protected]
Mon, 03 Nov 2003 01:32:16 +0100

Marcus Jacobs wrote:

> I have run into an issue with reflections for metal and metal2 
> materials. In my models, I am recieving some noisy reflections. 

> Here are some of the pertinent render parameters:
> -ps 1 -sj 1 -st 0 -dt 0

Hi Marcus,

try upping -ps. Default for rpict is 4.
You might also wanna reduce -aa, and increase -ar and -ad. There's some 
splotches on the walls, possibly due to caustics from the appliances.

> As a side note, the reflections of the light sources on the floor do not 
> seem right. I have noticed this before. Does anyone know what's causing 
> this?

Don't seem right as in no penumbrae? That's expected for a solar source 
modeled with the SOURCE primitive. AFAIK these sources are immune to -dj 
and -ds anyway. Maybe a Fully Licensed Guru[tm] here can tell you more.

Btw, that's a big-ass microwave! :^)


Roland Schregle
PhD candidate, Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems
RADIANCE Photon Map page: www.ise.fhg.de/radiance/photon-map