[Radiance-general] Perez Sky for Daylight Simulation

[email protected] [email protected]
Fri, 28 Mar 2003 19:11:59 +0100

Dear Mr.Ward, 

I am student of architecture working an a daylight simulation with 
radiance, still dealing with several problems. 
I want to generate indoor illuminance values in Lux for a validation 
with measured values of an office room. 
I am working with the Perez all-weather skymodell in oder to 
calculate with a sky which is equivalent to the measured outdoor 
For input in gendaylit I use the measured direct-normal and diffuse-
horizontal- illuminance [W/m�]. 

# gendaylit 1 11 12.00 -a 51.30 -o -7.28 -m -15 +s -W 154 93 
# Ground ambient level: 11.1 

void light solar 
3 9.684e+005 9.684e+005 9.684e+005 

solar source sun 
4 0.156133 -0.946576 0.282165 0.533000 

void brightfunc skyfunc 
2 skybright perezlum.cal 
10 2.411e+001 3.396e+000 -1.254300 -0.605648 10.900086 -
3.202346  0.012553 0.156133 -0.946576 0.282165  

Then I add the sky description from gensky by preparing the octree 

skyfunc glow sky_glow 
4 1 1 1  0 
sky_glow source sky 
4 0 0 1 180 

rtrace is running with the option -I and  the following parameters  
-ab 4 -av 0.10 0.10 0.10 -ds 0.15 -aa 0.15 -ad 512 -ar 128 -as 256 -
dc 0.50  
-dj 0.7  -dp 512 -dr 3 -dt 0.05 -lr 8 -lw 0.002 -sj 1 -st 0.15 

To obtain results for illuminance I execute rcalc for the coordinates 
of the real  measured points using a function I found in the mailing 

rcalc -e '$1=47.435*$1+119.93*$2+11.635*$3'  

Unfortunatly I don't obtain reasonable results, neither for clear sky 
nor for  overcast conditions. 
The generated values for the outdoor illuminance at clear sky 
conditions are  approximately 25% lower and at overcast 
conditions 40 % higher than in reality. 
The generated values for the outdoor illuminance are converse and 
also  definitive non equivalent in their progression. 

It would be kind if You could help me. 

Regards, Jorg Escher 

University of Dortmund  
Chair for Environmental Architecture 
[email protected]