[Radiance-general] AutoCAD to Radiance

Georg Mischler [email protected]
Tue, 22 Jul 2003 13:33:13 -0400 (EDT)

Rob Shakespeare wrote:

> It has been several years since I needed to convert AutoCAD geometry into
> Radiance scene descriptions for use in a LINUX environment. I have filters
> dating back to the early 1990's. Please advise me about the availability of
> more recent, efficient filters which might run within AutoCAD 2000+. I do
> realize that Desktop Radiance will provide geometry conversion... I am
> trying to avoid loading the whole package, when all I need is an output text
> file.


   This is an Autocad application that will export all selected
   geometry except ACIS solid modelling entities. ACIS solids
   are only supported by the version included with Rayfront (note
   that DR only converts a very limited subset of of ACIS, Rayfront
   does the full thing).


   Standalone application available for several platforms. No ACIS
   support at all, since that would require the use of expensive 3rd
   party libraries.


Georg Mischler  --  simulations developer  --  schorsch at schorsch com
+schorsch.com+  --  lighting design tools  --  http://www.schorsch.com/