[Radiance-general] resolution mismatch revisited

John S. An [email protected]
Mon, 15 Dec 2003 09:40:45 -0500

Hi all,

I had followed Andrews discussion on resolution mismatch a few weeks 
back.  However, I seem to be running into a different type of 
resolution mismatch problem right now.

I am venturing into the world of parallel processing on a dual G5 
Macintosh, and my first invocation of rpiece works fine.

rpiece -X 5 -Y 5 -F b_b_b_sync -o b_b_b_1_indirect_plan.pic -PP 
b_b_b.pst -af b_b_b.amb -t 600 -vf ../views/plan.vf -dt 0.05 -dc 0.10 
-ds 0.01 -dj 0.6 -dr 3 -dp 4096 -st 0.01 -sj 1 -av 0.01 0.01 0.01 -aw 1 
-ab 2 ad 2048 -as 1024 --aa 0.05 -ar 256 -aE ../ambient_exclude -x 500 
-y 500 -ms 2.7 -lr 12 -lw 0.0005 -ps 1 -pt 0.04 -e b_b_b.out b_b_b.oct 

However, when I try to start the second process

rpiece -F b_b_b_sync -o b_b_b_1_indirect_plan.pic -PP b_b_b.pst 
b_b_b.oct &

I get the error message

rpiece: resolution mismatch on file "b_b_b_1_indirect_plan.pic

I tried adjusting the -X -Y and -x -y parameters, but the same thing 
happened.  Just out of curiosity, I also tried adjusting the -av and 
-aw to 0, and the same results.

I am certain that this is not a problem with a limit on the available 
resource.  The machine has 1.5GB of memory.

Any hints as to what could be wrong?

