[Radiance-general] rad3R5 from latest stable cvs doesn't compile

tom [email protected]
Wed, 09 Apr 2003 20:29:30 -0700

Augustinus Topor wrote:
> Hi Tom,
> I've had the same problem compiling radiance on SuSE-Linux

<snip of very good analysis of problem>

> I handled this problem by reverting back to sed version 3.02.
> Maybe you can remove/comment out the line
> POSIXLY_CORRECT=1; export POSIXLY_CORRECT	# disable GNU extensions
> in ray/src/px/tiff/configure, but I don't know if this leads to any side
> effects.


I am using sed 4.05. I commented out the line in the configure script 
and everything appeared to compile - including ra_tiff and friends. It 
appears that oconv and rpict and rview seem to work, but I'm still left 
with a nonworking ximage. Time to fiddle around a little more :)

Thank you for the help,
