[Radiance-general] Linux installation

Randolph Fritz [email protected]
Fri, 19 Jul 2002 15:05:33 -0700

On Fri, Jul 19, 2002 at 02:28:17PM +0100, Bruce Sounes wrote:
> I am finding Linux a bit of a challenge.  How do I set the RAYPATH
> environment variable under the Bourne Again Shell (bash), and how do I set
> it as part of my login? I have discovered that if I change to the c-shell
> (csh) and follow the installation instructions, it works for that session.
> Similarly the animation scripts in the old email archives work under csh,
> but not under bash. Should/Can I set Linux to use the c-shell as standard?
> Is it worth the bother? Can anyone offer advise on the best way to go, or
> refer me to good documentation sites.

All programs you run in a Unix session will inherit their environment
variables from the original shell you run, which will (usually) read
.profile (ksh/bash) or .login (tcsh).  Hence the suggestion to put the
command in that file.  It doesn't always work with GUIs,
though--sometimes the command has to go in some other file.  If you
have a computer science background, I refer you to the now 28-year-old
Bell Labs paper on Unix--that will probably fill in some gaps.  You
can read it at <http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/who/dmr/cacm.html>.

Other than that, the c-shell has been mostly superseded by tcsh, which
is available on Linux.  There is no need to change your regular shell
to run (t)csh scripts--I've done it--but it's been too long since I
set up Radiance on my Linux box and I don't remember exact details.

Randolph, now sending from BSD Unix via Internet Explorer, Java, and
Mindterm in the Lake Oswego Public Library.  It's weird, and if you
know anyone in the Portland, Oregon, USA area who wants to hire
someone with Radiance knowledge, pass along my name. :-)