[Radiance-general] R: Glare DGI<0

Annalisa Simonella [email protected]
Fri, 19 Jul 2002 10:29:49 +0200

Hi Pillo,
unfortunately I'm not able to give you information to solve your problem but I wanted to join your help request because I experienced the same problem.

If the program calculates glare using Chauvel formula a negative value can be possible if the result G of the formula is less than 1 as the logarithm will give a value < 0.

However I'd like to suggest an interesting paper to read about a new method to assess glare (the study is based on Radiance).


hi everybody !!!!

my name is pillo. i m not new on this NG...

now i m in trouble with glare analysis, in fact it happens that DGI < 0...(daylight
scene whit perez sky and simple glass primitive)

i think it means that DGI is very low (quite 0) (uniformity of luminance
in the scene and little glare sources dimensions..) BUT i m not sure..

if anybody does know anything about .....

or he has some trick to analyze glare with radiance....

i need your help,

