[Radiance-general] Re: [DesktopRadiance] Radiance Link Collection

Georg Mischler [email protected]
Sun, 18 Aug 2002 14:06:51 -0400 (EDT)

Kevin Matthews wrote:

> PS: What/where is the best "links" page(s) on the web for Radiance resources?
> The radsite pages are good as far as they go, but seem to be light on
> maintenance, and not so comprehensive.  If someone's already got a great list
> out there, that's probably where we should point such questions.  And if
> there isn't a great list of everything, then maybe we should get one
> going....

Most Radiance related sites have a collection of links, but
they tend to point to the same set of "usual suspects".
This includes mine, although I have tried to apply a somewhat
more systematic categorization than most.

Maybe the best thing would be to maintain a canonical list
collaboratively. As a path of least resistance, I could offer to
start a section for Radiance related links in the Lighting Wiki.
Since everybody can edit any page in the Wiki, this might give
us the most complete collection with the least effort. if you
know about a link, just add it yourself: http://lightingwiki.com/

An alternative location would be radiance-online.org, but for
the moment it would involve a significantly larger administrative
overhead to do it there (unless Peter wants to install a wiki too).
In any case, I'm crossposting this to the radiance-general list
there, as the topic is not exclusively related to DR.



Georg Mischler  --  simulations developer  --  schorsch at schorsch.com
+schorsch.com+  --  lighting design tools  --  http://www.schorsch.com/