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File Last Change
Rmakefile 1.4 (18 years ago) by schorsch: Renamed librt.a to librtrad.a to avoid conflict on Solaris.
SConscript 1.3 (21 years ago) by schorsch: Renamed calc to icalc, lam to rlam, and neat to neaten.
calc.c 1.6 (21 years ago) by greg: Added ability for calc to read on a continued line
cnt.c 1.2 (21 years ago) by schorsch: Reduced compile warnings/errors on Windows.
ev.c 1.6 (21 years ago) by schorsch: Reduced compile warnings.
histo.c 1.4 (21 years ago) by greg: Added -p option to histo to report percentiles and changed output slightly
lam.c 1.9 (18 years ago) by greg: Made missing calls to SET_FILE_BINARY() for Windows
neat.c 1.4 (21 years ago) by schorsch: Reduced compile warnings.
rcalc.c 1.19 (19 years ago) by greg: Fixed bug in rcalc with -l option where it sometimes hung
tabfunc.c 1.6 (19 years ago) by greg: Improved default ordinal color scale in falsecolor
total.c 1.5 (19 years ago) by greg: Bug fix in combination of -p and -m options in total that broke compamb
1 directory and 11 files shown