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Darwin_32.cfg 1.8 (8 years ago) by schorsch: arch dependent config
Darwin_64.cfg 1.1 (8 years ago) by schorsch: arch dependent config
FreeBSD_32.cfg 1.8 (8 years ago) by schorsch: everybody seems to have erf() and erfc() nowadays.
FreeBSD_64.cfg 1.2 (8 years ago) by schorsch: everybody seems to have erf() and erfc() nowadays.
Linux_32.cfg 1.8 (8 years ago) by schorsch: everybody seems to have erf() and erfc() nowadays.
Linux_64.cfg 1.2 (8 years ago) by schorsch: everybody seems to have erf() and erfc() nowadays.
README 1.4 (8 years ago) by schorsch: Tifflib support and sleeker binaries on Windows
Windows_32.cfg 1.13 (8 years ago) by schorsch: Compiler flags
Windows_64.cfg 1.5 (6 years ago) by schorsch: Updating to SCons 3.x, adding support for Python 3
mingw_32.cfg 1.2 (8 years ago) by schorsch: everybody seems to have erf() and erfc() nowadays.
posix_32.cfg 1.2 (8 years ago) by schorsch: everybody seems to have erf() and erfc() nowadays.
posix_64.cfg 1.8 (8 years ago) by schorsch: everybody seems to have erf() and erfc() nowadays.
0 directories and 12 files shown