[Radiance-openstudio] Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) Calculations in OpenStudio's Coupled Radiance and EnergyPlus Simulations

Justin Shultz jss5237 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 11 11:11:57 PDT 2014

Hello German,

Thank you for the quick reply. Yeah, that's my understanding of the
daylight contributions and the mkschedule.rb code. The part that I don't
understand is if the OpenStudio simulation of Radiance and EnergyPlus
calculates the new solar heat gain (of the CFS) using Radiance or
EnergyPlus, if at all.

Let's use a dynamic venitican blind as an example, ones that track the
sun's altitude. The intercepted solar irradiance will block some direct
sunlight and solar heat gain. The part I'm unclear about is how to
implement (if it's not already) the interception of solar heat gain from
directly entering the thermal zone modeled in EnergyPlus. If
OpenStudiodoes this already, maybe I'm just missing it and someone can
point me in
the right direction. If it doesn't, is there a tutorial that goes over
Radiance daylight and solar heat gain simulations and how they plug into
EnergyPlus. Also, the limitations of using said method.

If you don't mind sharing, I think your thesis would be very helpful in
understanding how to apply thermal and daylight simulations to an
EnergyPlus simulation.

Thank you,

On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 1:57 PM, Germán Molina Larrain <germolinal at gmail.com
> wrote:

> Justin,
> What do you mean with "transforms the solar heat gain"? The last thing I
> heard is that OpenStudio uses Radiance to calculate the Daylight
> contribution, and choose the Artificial Lighting power in each zone, using
> a script called MKSCHEDULE. EnergyPlus, then, will have to calculate
> Solar Heat Gain by itself, and the luminaire power will be defined from a
> Schedule created with the MKSCHEDULE script.
> On the other hand, I worked on that topic during my M.Sc. Thesis, working
> with integrated Thermal and Lighting simulations of spaces with controlled
> Luminaires and Complex Fenestration Systems. I used Radiance andEnergyPlus, but no
> OpenStudio. You (and anyone) can ask me for my thesis, or related
> information.
> I wanted to contribute to OpenStudio, but my programming skills and lack
> of time did not allow me.
> Bye!
> Germán
> 2014-03-11 14:42 GMT-03:00 Justin Shultz <jss5237 at gmail.com>:
> Hello Radiance and OpenStudio users and developers,
>> I'm new to the radiance and daylight simulation. Sorry if this is a basic
>> question. I have used EnergyPlus for many basic projects, but my most
>> recent
>> one is studying a dynamic glazing system. My partner and I have
>> determined
>> that the three-phase method is probably going to be our best option.
>> We're
>> looking to model the effects the dynamic glazing system would have on the
>> electrical lighting loads, as well as, the solar heat gain into the
>> building
>> zone.
>> I've been reviewing the tools and methods at are currently available to do
>> this and found "Challenges of Integrated Daylight and Electrical Lighting
>> Simulation Methods in a Whole-Building Energy Simulation Context" by Rob
>> Guglielmetti to be tremendously helpful. OpenStudio appears to be one of
>> the
>> most integrated and streamline options available for coupled daylight and
>> whole building simulation.
>> The question I have, that I haven't been able to find, is whether the
>> OpenStudio coupled Radiance and EnergyPlus method transforms the solar
>> heat
>> gain? The daylight is well studied and discussed, but I haven't been
>> able to
>> find out whether this method will discount the solar heat gain through
>> the
>> fenestration systems.
>> Additional side question: When running genBSDF is there a command or
>> something material property that needs to be added to get the factors
>> for the
>> SHGC? We have only been able to get the daylight coefficients.
>> Thank you for your help,
>> Justin Shultz
>> PhD Student
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