[Radiance-openstudio] (no subject)

KXZ7007 ...... kx7007 at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 25 10:01:13 PDT 2012

Thanks Rob.
I did install the latest version of Radiance from:https://openstudio.nrel.gov/getting-started-developer/getting-started-radiance
however, I did not see any installed documentation.
Also I did what you mentioned in step no.2;
PATH:                     .;$PATH;c:\radiance\bin
RAYPTH:               .;c:\Radiance\lib
 and still, I have the same problem. 
Regarding the error, i got 1 error which I could not find any detailes for such error, just i will get in the openstudio window,
that the Run has Failed, and Warning: 0 and Errors:1. 

 From: "Guglielmetti, Robert" <Robert.Guglielmetti at nrel.gov>
To: KXZ7007 ...... <kx7007 at yahoo.com>; Discussion of Radiance with OpenStudio <radiance-openstudio at radiance-online.org> 
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 7:24 PM
Subject: Re: [Radiance-openstudio] (no subject)
A couple of quick things to try:

1.  Download the latest version of the Radiance installer (I can tell you're using an older version because you don't have the documentation installed)
2.  For your PATH, you should add '$PATH' and '.' to that entry. The former makes sure to add any predefined PATH elements to your additions, the latter includes the current working directory in your path.

Try those, and then let me know if you still have problems. If you do, can you post details about the specific errors you're seeing?



Rob Guglielmetti
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Commercial Buildings Research Group
15013 Denver West Parkway MS:RSF202
Golden, CO 80401
robert.guglielmetti at nrel.gov

On 10/13/12 3:15 PM, "KXZ7007 ......" <kx7007 at yahoo.com<mailto:kx7007 at yahoo.com>> wrote:

Hi all
I did try to run radiance in openstudio 9. However, the simulation did stop. I think this problem is due to how I did the settings of RAYBATH and PATH in “Environment Variables” .....
I did try to follow the instructions in 'Getting started with Radiance https://openstudio.nrel.gov/getting-started-developer/getting-started-radiance, put still I did not succeed in running radiance.
I did attach a picture which shows i did the settings and location of radiance folder in my PC, and the way i use it to check the version of Ruby that you I'm using.
I appreciate any advice regarding solving this problem
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