[Radiance-openstudio] Problem of DaylightSim.rb in Window 7

Jia Hu hujia06 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 3 15:44:52 PDT 2012

Hi all:

I made a preliminary run using OpenStudio V 0.9 DaylightSim.rb in Window 7.

The #{outPath} in DaylightSim.rb uses forward slash which is OK for
most commands, but I find the following code shows incorrect syntax
because of using forward slash in outPath and "type" (i.e.,
catCommand) command..

system("#{catCommand} #{outPath}/materials/materials_vmx.rad
#{outPath}/scene/glazing/#{space_name}_glaz_#{aziVector}.rad >


Another question about the DaylightSim.rb.  In Window 7, view matrix for
the three phase method is not generated using "--dc --z", and I add the
following code in line #590 for generating the view matrix.

#add following code in line #590:
exec_statement("type #{outPath}\\numeric\\#{space_name}.map | rcontrib
#{rtrace_args} -f klems_int.cal -bn Nkbins -I+ -fa  -o
#{binPairs} #{outPath}\\octrees\\model_dc.oct")

Besides, the following code in Line # 581:

binPairs << " -b
-m glaz_#{aziVector}_#{glazingTransmissivity}"

is changed to:

binPairs << " -b
-m glaz_#{aziVector}_#{glazingTransmissivity}"


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