[Radiance-general] Daylight Award!

Greg Ward gregoryjward at gmail.com
Wed May 16 16:52:33 PDT 2018

Wow.  Thanks, everyone.  I was really surprised myself to learn about the award, and I can think of quite a few others I would have expected to get it first.

It's really this enthusiastic and supportive community that has kept me and Radiance going all these years.  A few others I should thank:

For early encouragement and funds:	Francis Rubinstein, Sam Berman, Rudy Verderber

For ongoing funding and support:	Steven Selkowitz, Eleanor Lee, Jean-Louis Scartezzini, Amir Roth

For taking over support when needed:	Charles Ehrlich, Judy Lai, Daniel Fuller

For originating the Radiance workshop:	Raphael Compagnon

For their outstanding contributions of ideas, code, documentation, tutorials, presentations, asking and answering questions, and other forms of sharing:	Really the whole Radiance community...

I can think of a few dozen names for that last one just off the top of my head, but I don't want anyone to feel slighted, because I would surely forget someone and be kicking myself about it later.  Every contribution is welcome, and my mind reels thinking about the effort people have put into this over the years.  I feel like I owe you each a personal note of thanks.

Best of all, it has been, and continues to be, a lot of fun.


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