[Radiance-general] parallel dctimestep

Santiago Torres Santiago.Torres at arup.com
Fri Sep 22 09:13:50 PDT 2017

Dear Sarith, Greg,

Thank you for your replies. In this case I am running the annual calculation of an image, and each time-step (daytime) is taking 3-4 minutes to run, so the total calculation takes more than 9 days. And I would like to increase the resolution to reduce noise…

So I thought if I run 10 dctimestep processes in parallel, it should take less than a day. I hope this makes sense. I will try it out and let you know if I find problems.

Thank you,

From: Sarith Subramaniam [mailto:sarith at psu.edu]
Sent: 22 September 2017 16:53
To: radiance-general at radiance-online.org
Subject: Re: [Radiance-general] parallel dctimestep

Hi Santiago,

I pretty much did the exact same thing that you mentioned to run multiple instances of dctimestep with Python. The syntax is something like:

import multiprocessing as mp

import os

#Run dctimesteps, 16 at at time.

#runCommand is just a call to os.system

#commands is a list of dctimestep commands like ["dctimestep dc.mtx sky0001.smx > res0001.smx",  "dctimestep dc.mtx sky0002.smx > res0002.smx" ...]

pools = mp.Pool(processes=16)

pools.map(runCommand, commands)

For the above, you'd have to do some additional scripting to run rmtxop and compile all the results into a single file. There is also a method that was discussed by Wangda Zuo and Andy Mcneil in this paper: http://www.ibpsa.org/proceedings/BS2011/P_1155.pdf<http://secure-web.cisco.com/1Dg4sbIwWzfdNHSDFjoErkam7XpFZkZl_YajPwbdNSfN3qC1GSwtzOsoHjzUTCbiw63iGUUuE2gD4bllTAnDKmlmn_oe9aU9yRt8wzVUSrmsrE1PKj6ErqSMsFikzAe_P4HEM_ZQk3m52HImTpdUxnGXUzrzYTkz-kgXQZX-U9wtAWex8uSdvjmJXLQZIBdOdjRn7Um1GekbwQI--4karqReEQedYXrhJsex6RkYtNIiYFMCYiwet0zel4nY98Gol/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ibpsa.org%2Fproceedings%2FBS2011%2FP_1155.pdf>


On 9/22/2017 9:55 AM, Santiago Torres wrote:

Dear all,

This might be a silly question, but I couldn't find any reference. Is there a way to run dctimestep in parallel?

Or, would it be possible to create a weather tape for each month, create a matrix from each, and run each month separately?




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