[Radiance-general] Example 2 of three-phase method

Greg Ward gregoryjward at gmail.com
Wed Oct 18 08:23:09 PDT 2017

Hi Clarence,

Which tutorial are you using?  A few of the programs have changed slightly, and we generally recommend rfluxmtx over rcontrib for most calculations, as it is much simpler to use and therefore less error-prone.  You should use the new tutorial by Sarith, which was just recently posted to our website:


This is an advanced tutorial, but it starts with the basics and quickly moves through each of the methods.  There is also an associated set of input files here:



> From: Wang Clarence <wangjuncwz at hotmail.com>
> Date: October 18, 2017 5:37:21 AM PDT
> Dear all,
> I run the commands of example 2 of three-phase method in tutorial and was stuck with some problems, especially the daylight matrix and dctimestep.
> 1. When I tried the command below, it actually created a bad .dmx file which I could not open.
> #genklemsamp -vd 0 -1 0 objects/south_window.rad | rcontrib -c 500 -e MF:2 -f reinhart.cal -b rbin -bn Nrbins -m sky_glow -faf model2_dmx.oct > results/south2.dmx
> But I replaced "-faf" by "-faa", the "south2.dmx" could be successfully rendered. Its header was showed below:
> oconv materials/testroom2.mat objects/testroom2.rad objects/ground2.rad skies/sky_white1.rad
> rcontrib -c 500 -e MF:2 -f reinhart.cal -b rbin -bn Nrbins -m sky_glow -faa
> SOFTWARE= RADIANCE 5.1 lastmod Wed Aug 30 10:22:48 HKT 2017 by root on clarence-ThinkCentre-M900
> CAPDATE= 2017:10:18 17:49:26
> GMT= 2017:10:18 09:49:26
> NCOLS=578
> FORMAT=ascii
> 2. I continued to try the command by using "dctimestep" like tutorial say  in order to render the image. But it reacted : fatal-unexpected column count in header. How to solve this problem?
> #gensky 3 21 10 | genskyvec -m 4 -c 1 1 1 > skies/3_21_10.skv
> #dctimestep images/vmx/window_east_%03d.hdr data/singleclear.xml results/east2.dmx skies/3_21_10.skv > images/3_21_10_clear.hdr
> By the way, the "results/east2.dmx" was created by using the "-faa" in the previous command.
> Thanks,
> Clarence

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