[Radiance-general] Clarification of Evalglare Output

Raghuram Kalyanam kalyanam at rhrk.uni-kl.de
Tue Jul 5 08:04:58 PDT 2016


I am working with Evalglare for my project. Some of the contents of the outputs are not clear, exactly how they meant. I got the following output

No	pixels	x-pos	y-pos	L_s	Omega_s	Posindx	L_b	L_t	E_vert	Edir	Max_Lum	Sigma	xdir	ydir	zdir	Eglare_cie	Lveil_cie	
1	42753	154.168663	259.975238	1484.9357	0.514510267	8.036393	290.135466	376.903168	1193.615506	330.128458	2110.121582	63.643786	0.659243	-0.651444	0.375525	295.006872	0.728316	63.643786
2	952	342.410504	309.523074	1243.639248	0.014228416	2.1257	290.135466	376.903168	1193.615506	330.128458	2110.121582	24.12489	0.02124	-0.977876	0.208102	16.006014	0.275013	24.12489
3	458	542.090308	329.040637	1088.438535	0.006608648	2.375158	290.135466	376.903168	1193.615506	330.128458	2110.121582	35.771815	-0.683566	-0.716718	0.138035	5.821968	0.045498	35.771815
4	1381	612.605097	320.46217	1147.674231	0.018557649	3.75482	290.135466	376.903168	1193.615506	330.128458	2110.121582	51.048974	-0.847475	-0.500159	0.177839	13.293604	0.051012	51.048974
dgp	av_lum	E_v	lum_backg	E_v_dir	dgi	ugr	vcp	cgi	lum_sources	omega_sources	Lveil	Lveil_cie	band_avlum				
0.230826	393.505949	1193.615506	290.135466	330.128458	7.652164	10.742965	78.552719	14.814979	1462.707418	0.553905	32.12133	1.099838	-99					

Could some one explain

1. difference between E_vert, Edir and if indirect vertical illuminance which is not shown here could be defined as (E_vert- Edir) ?
2. What are Eglare_cie and Lveil_cie? if you could explain in simple terms it would be good.
3. How is the lum_sources calculated? is it area weighted or just the average of luminance sources?
4.difference between Lveil and Lveil_cie?
5. what is band_avlum? every time i get -99 as its value.
6. Why is the last column for each glare source repeated i.e i think its sigma which is repeated? is it on purpose or its a bug?

If you have some documentation which can explain this, that would be very useful.

Thanks & Regards,

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