[Radiance-general] UDI script (speaking of obscure languages)

Randolph M. Fritz rmfritz3 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 19 16:37:17 PDT 2016

This is an awk script that, given a list of sensor locations and a 24×365
line annual illuminance file, calculates 300/2000 UDI. I place it in the
public domain, but would appreciate credit.

# Takes as input an 8760-line 3- or 5-phase annual illuminance file
# and a sensor location file called photocells.pts
# Run with:
#   getinfo - < ill-file | awk -f udi.awk

    for (i = 1; (r = getline < "photocells.pts") > 0; i++) {
        pt = "(" $1 "," $2 ")"
        pts[i] = pt
    if (r < 0) {
        print "photocells.pts does not exist" > "/dev/stderr"
        error = 2
    npts = i - 1;
    for (i = 1; i <= npts; i++)
        under[i] = over[i] = within[i] = 0

    # samples are every hour, at the half-hour
    hr = (NR - 1) % 24
    tod = hr + 0.5

    # between 8:30am and 5:30pm
    if (8.0 <= tod && tod <= 18.0) {
        for (i = 1; i <= npts; i++)
            if ($(i) < 300)
            else if ($(i) > 2000)

    if (error)
        exit error
    if (NR != 365 * 24) {
        print "Error: number of hours not 365 * 24" >"/dev/stderr"
        exit 1
    OFS = "\t"
    print "Location", "UDI", "Too Dark", "Too Bright"
    for (i = 1; i <= npts; i++)
        print pts[i], within[i] / hours, under[i] / hours, over[i] / hours
    exit 0
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