[Radiance-general] Radiance Windows Binaries Problem

Andrea Mainini mainini.andrea at gmail.com
Tue May 19 06:42:55 PDT 2015

Dear Experts,
I've downloaded from:


the Windows compiled radiance files provided by Axel Jacobs. Thank you for
your work.

All the *.exe files provided seem to work properly, except for genBSDF.exe
that close immediately after start, because Windows 8.1 experienced some

On the other hand the LBNL WINDOW 7.3 genBSDF.exe file works without any

Did someone experienced the same problem in Windows 8.1? Am I missing

Thank you in advance

Best Regards

Ing. Mainini Andrea Giovanni
MEng, PhD
Politecnico di Milano - TiSCO Group -
Dipartimento di Architettura, Ingegneria delle Costruzioni E Ambiente
*Architecture, Built environment and Construction engineering Department *

31, Via Ponzio - 20133 Milano - Italy

@: mainini.andrea at gmail.com
@: andreagiovanni.mainini at polimi.it <andreagiovanni.mainini at mail.polimi.it>

Tel: +390223996015
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