[Radiance-general] Installing Radiance on OS Yosemite_make: *** [serial.unf] Error 127

Todor Syarov thodor at abv.bg
Tue Jan 20 07:01:47 PST 2015

 Dear all,
  I wanted to install on Mac/Yosemite/ Radiance
  Xcode is installed and updated for compatibility with OS Yosemite*  
  following the instruction :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptTmdKSfK68#t=137  I believe I have done something wrong installing it:  
  #after setting the Raypath , Path and Manpath as in the video  #I have unpacked benchmark  #typed 
:make (command)// "i have one processor"  
  and experienced the following error  

  ------------------    CHANGES  
 reworked Makefile and options so that same code will  

 work on any version of Radiance going back ~5 years  
 removed "-pm 0.0" from optionsbase because rpiece throws  

 an error in 4R1
  Niyas-iMac:bench4 niya$ make  
  /bin/sh: rpict: command not found  
  /bin/sh: rpict: command not found  
  rm -f serial.unf  
  time rpict @viewpoint @options -x 2048 -y 2048 -t 60 -o serial.unf scene.oct  
  rpict: No such file or directory  
 0.00 real 
 0.00 user 
 0.00 sys  
  make: *** [serial.unf] Error 127  
  How do you solve such problem in order to proceed with installing Radiance on Mac?  
Best Regards,  Niya   
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