[Radiance-general] How to visualize a sky vector?

Germán Molina Larrain germolinal at gmail.com
Fri Dec 4 07:20:09 PST 2015

Hello Wouter,

I remember doing this quite a while ago. My approach was to create a sky
with the actual patch values and render just one image. To do this I:

   1. Generate the sky vector values using... using -h for removing the
   header might be useful.
      - gensky XXXXXXX | genskyvec -h | rcalc -e '$1 =
      - This will lead to one a vector of one value per sky patch.
   2. modified the reinhartb.cal file to create a mod_reinhartb.cal (see
   below). Be aware of modifying the MF parameter according to your needs.
   3. Paste the vector generated on Step 1 in the mod_reinhartb.cal
   4. Write the sky.rad file.
   5. oconv sky.rad > octree.oct
   6. rpict -vth -vd 0 0 1 -vu 0 1 0 -vh 180 -vv 180 -vp 0 0 0 -ab 3
   octree.oct > sky.hdr

You can also plot the values generated on step 1

Hope this help



void brightfunc skyfunc
2 rad ./mod_reinhartb.cal

skyfunc glow skyglow
4 1 1 1 0

skyglow source sky
4 0 0 1 180


### mod_reinhartb.cal
{ RCSid $Id: reinhartb.cal,v 2.6 2015/03/27 18:58:06 greg Exp $ }
Compute Reinhart high-density sky patch bin (rbin)

MF - Subdivision value (usually a power of two)
Dx,Dy,Dz - Incident direction (normalized, towards surface face)
rNx,rNy,rNz - Surface normal (normalized, away from surface)
Ux,Uy,Uz - Up direction vector (does not need to be normalized)

Modified from reinhart.cal

July 2014 G. Ward
{ Useful factors and functions }
DEGREE : PI/180;
Asin(x) : if(x-1, PI/2, if(-1-x, -PI/2, asin(x))) / DEGREE;
posangle(a) : if(-a, a + 2*PI, a) / DEGREE;
Atan2(y,x) : posangle(atan2(y,x));

{ Default to Tregenza sky }
MF = 1;
{ Set to -1 for left-handed coordinate system }
RHS = 1;
{ Default axis orientation (+Y == north) }
rNx = 0; rNy = 0; rNz = -1;
Ux = 0; Uy = 1; Uz = 0;
{ Compute oriented axis angles }
inc_dz = -Dx*rNx-Dy*rNy-Dz*rNz;
inc_rx = -RHS*(Dx*(Uy*rNz-Uz*rNy) + Dy*(Uz*rNx-Ux*rNz) +
inc_ry = Dx*Ux+Dy*Uy+Dz*Uz + inc_dz*(rNx*Ux+rNy*Uy+rNz*Uz);

r_alt = Asin(inc_dz);
r_azi = Atan2(inc_rx,inc_ry);

alpha = 90/(MF*7 + .5); { Separation between rows in degrees }
{ Number of patches per row }
tnaz(r) : select(r, 30, 30, 24, 24, 18, 12, 6);
rnaz(r) = if(r-(7*MF-.5), 1, MF*tnaz(floor((r+.5)/MF) + 1));

raccum(r) = if(r-.5, rnaz(r-1) + raccum(r-1), 0);

r_row = floor(r_alt/alpha);

r_inc = 360/rnaz(r_row);

r_azn = if(359.9999-.5*r_inc - r_azi, floor((r_azi +.5*r_inc)/r_inc), 0);

{ Final bin value, -1 for "ground" }
rbin = if (r_alt, raccum(r_row) + r_azn, -1);

Nrbins = raccum(7*MF+1); { total number of bins }

rad = select(rbin,
        ..... one value per patch.
        ..... Paste the vector generated on step 1 here

2015-12-04 11:31 GMT-03:00 ascendilex | Wouter Beck <
wouter.beck at ascendilex.nl>:

> In several places I see nice false color luminance representations of
> Perez skies.
> Trying to render or preferably plot such a representation from a sky
> vector appears not to be so easy.
> I looked at Andy's McNeil_BSDFsandPhases.pdf and see that using an
> adaptation of
>  vwrays -ff -vf views/back.vf -x 600 -y 600 \
> | rfluxmtx `vwrays -vf views/back.vf -x 600 -y 600 -d` \
> -ffc -ab 12 -ad 50000 -lw 2e-5 \
> - skies/sky.rad \
> materials/testroom.mat objects/testroom.rad
> followed by an adaptation of
> dctimestep dcx/g_%03d.hdr skies/12_21_15.skv \
> > images/122115_clear_dcx.hdr
> could do the trick. For a MF:4 sky I'll be generating 2305 images.
> Generating these and combining them takes quite long and a lot of disk IO.
> (I did not bother to use a ram disk). Somehow this approach appears to be
> a bit of a detour.
> Before proceeding on this path: Isn't there a simpler way?
> Basically it should be possible to just plot the sky vector values using
> something like gnuplot.
> Best regards,
> Wouter
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