[Radiance-general] optics2glaze_glaze script

Todor Syarov thodor at abv.bg
Thu Oct 2 09:25:10 PDT 2014

Robin, I need to ask also about Window export setting to Radiance. I have installed Radiance for Window yet, the export from Window7.2 gives me always message that Radiance for Window is missing.  
  How do I proceed?

 -------- Оригинално писмо --------

От: Robin Mitchell rdmitchell at lbl.gov

Относно: Re: [Radiance-general] optics2glaze_glaze script

До: Radiance general discussion  

Изпратено на: Четвъртък, 2014, Октомври 2 18:48:30 EEST

It is true that you cannot model a coated layer next to an interlayer in optics. But you will not get good results trying to model a laminate in WINDOW.  
   On Oct 2, 2014 8:42 AM, "Todor Syarov" <
    thodor at abv.bg > wrote:

      Thank you Robin for writing back,

      I am reading that a coating touching an interlayer is not possible in Optics5.
      I am using Optics6 yet I could not find within the IGDB a PVB coating.
      How do you solve such cases?

      The system Im working on is:

       1st layer: pane 4mm

          PVB coating 0.78mm
          6mm glass pane#cool lite skn 174
       22mm Argon 90%
       2nd pane : 4mm
       (IGDB source)


 -------- Оригинално писмо -------- 
От: Robin Mitchell 
       rdmitchell at lbl.gov  
Относно: Re: [Radiance-general] optics2glaze_glaze script 
До: Radiance general discussion <
       radiance-general at radiance-online.org > 
Изпратено на: Четвъртък, 2014, Октомври 2 18:23:34 EEST 

         I don't know anything about Radiance, but in terms of what you are trying to model, it appears to be a laminate. You can't model that in WINDOW. You need to model it in Optics and then import it into the WINDOW Glass Library as a monolithic layer. There are detailed instructions about how to do this on our WINDOW Knowledge Base. 
         http://windows.lbl.gov/software/NFRC/NFRCLaminates.html  -- click on the first link called Laminate Procedures. 
          Robin Mitchell 
Building Technology and Urban Systems Department 
Environmental Energy Technologies Division 
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 
          On Thu, Oct 2, 2014 at 8:13 AM, Todor Syarov 
           thodor at abv.bg >  wrote: 
             I am a student in Vienna and working on a daylight simulation with pipeflow: 
             Asking with un unease, since you must also have a tight schedule, 
             still I need to post two question: 
              What are 
the steps creating double glazing material with coating for Radiance?
 After generating the *.rad files from optics do you manually correct the material in Radiance editor?
              How do I apply optics2glaze with the glazing script in Perl script or would you recommend just the Optics6 export in rad?  
             here is one of the glazing systems:
             1st layer: pane 4mm
               PVB coating 0.78mm 
               6mm glass pane#cool lite skn 174 
             22mm Argon 90% 
             2nd pane : 4mmTn = 64% 
             (IGDB source) 
             Manufacturer value of the system
             For my understanding tried to compare some values from manufacturer with my Window output - and the discrepancy is too big. 
             The PVB is missing, though. 
              How would you proceed when you solve this problem elegantly?  
             Any comments are highly appreciated. 
             Kind Regards from Vienna, 
 Radiance-general mailing list 
           Radiance-general at radiance-online.org  
 Radiance-general mailing list
     Radiance-general at radiance-online.org 

 var m3_u = (location.protocol=='https:'?'https://a.abv.bg/www/delivery/ajs.php':'http://a.abv.bg/www/delivery/ajs.php');   var m3_r = Math.floor(Math.random()*99999999999);   if (!document.MAX_used) document.MAX_used = ',';   document.write ("  ");  
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