[Radiance-general] weather data in radiance

Lars O. Grobe grobe at gmx.net
Mon Oct 8 04:54:47 PDT 2012

Hi Shailan!
> so you mean that radiance extracts the sky conditions such as sky 
> clearness from the weather data not just altitude and longitude of the 
> city?
That is what gendaylit is typically used for. Please check the manpage 
at http://radsite.lbl.gov/radiance/man_html/gendaylit.1.html :

" /Gendaylit/ produces a RADIANCE scene description based on an angular 
distribution of the daylight sources (direct+diffuse) for the given 
atmospheric conditions (direct and diffuse component of the solar 
radiation), date and local standard time. The default output is the 
radiance of the sun (direct) and the sky (diffus) integrated over the 
visible spectral range (380-780 nm). We have used the calculation of the 
sun's position and the ground brightness models which were programmed in 
/gensky. (...)"

/Cheers, Lars./

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