[Radiance-general] lightshelf simulation

Christopher Rush Christopher.Rush at arup.com
Mon Nov 19 06:16:53 PST 2012

It could depend on your measurement point and the rest of the model. Does raising to a higher ab value for both models increase calculation time too much? Maybe you could increase to 5 or more bounces for both models and relax other parameters but maintain reliable results. If you repeat the simulation multiple times or increase calculation parameters and get results within a reasonable margin of error, then you're probably as accurate as possible for the model inputs.

From: shailan zareiy [mailto:sh.zareiy at gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2012 3:00 AM
To: Radiance general discussion
Subject: [Radiance-general] lightshelf simulation

Dear all
I am analyzing light shelf with different dimensions for my thesis. I want to compare a model with light shelf with a model without shelf. I wonder If I should change the ambient bounces parameter in the no shelf model, because the  reflections decreases, or not,? The ab parameter that used for the models with shelf is 3.
Thanks in advance
Shailan Zareiy
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