[Radiance-general] Calculate DGI with Radiance through Ecotect

Maria Mandalaki mamand at gmail.com
Mon Nov 12 23:58:12 PST 2012

I hope this is the correct list for users of Radiance through Ecotect.

I am trying to calculate DGI for a specific camera view - position.
I calculate the luminance using Radiance through Ecotect. Then the
generated pic file I copy it in the command prompt starting file. There I
copy the following command that is the ulim
that is: fl2cd(v)=3.426*v;cd2fl(v)=0.292*v;ulim(La)=fl2cd(10^(5.731+(log10(cd2fl(La))+5)*(0.3376+(log10(cd2fl(La))+5)*0.0189)-6));

Then I Type the following in the command prompt for my file that is called

findglare -p ex2_c1.pic -t 100000|glarendx -h -t vert_ill|rcalc -f
ulim.cal -e '$1=ulim($2/PI)'

Then I get the following message:
findglare: picture read error
^ illegal variable name

Do you have any idea why this is happening?

Thank you in advance

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