[Radiance-general] different results

Lars O. Grobe grobe at gmx.net
Mon Nov 5 01:47:57 PST 2012

Hi Shailan,

you did not make the model available, so this is all guess-work. By the 
way, as Greg mentioned, we do not attach files on this email list, 
instead use some web- or ftp-space and embed a link into your mail, please.

What you had sent were the parameters used processing the model using 
Radiance tools (collected in rif-files for rad, the control program for 
scene processing). The only interesting difference I found in there was 
the scene extent. While I cannot find out whether my assumption is true 
or not, as I do not have access to the model, a different scene extent 
(geometry) could point us to a difference in the model geometry. I have 
no idea how the two rif-files were created, but if the software doing so 
did a good job, then one model starts at x=1 while the other starts at 
x=2. Not exactly identical models.

Maybe you find a way to put your model onto a ftp or website so that 
others can have a look at it. Aside, you could use objline or objview or 
any kind of scene previewer, rotate a bit, and check that there are no 
obstructions in front of one model's facade or any unwanted differences. 
You can also use getbbox on both radfiles - the bounding box for two 
identical geometries should be the same...

Cheers, Lars.

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