[Radiance-general] 2011 International Radiance Workshop

Sandy Houck shouck at brummitt.com
Thu May 19 16:57:39 PDT 2011

Thank you - that is good to know!


Sandy Houck   LEED AP BD+C, LC
Brummitt Energy Associates Inc
2171 India Street, Suite B
San Diego, CA  92101
619-531-1126 phone,  619-531-1101 fax
shouck at brummitt.com<http://www.brummitt.com/>

From: Andy McNeil [mailto:amcneil at lbl.gov]
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2011 2:06 PM
To: Radiance general discussion
Subject: Re: [Radiance-general] 2011 International Radiance Workshop

Hi Sandy,

I'll start by saying that we are very welcoming of beginners at the workshop.  We haven't planned a beginners tutorial during the seminars but  beginners will probably find John's seminar presentation on the ambient calculation parameters (-ab -ad -ar -aa etc) to be helpful.

The presentations during the workshop are given by attendees.  At this point there is no way to know what they will be.  Presentations at past workshops have cover a range of topics.

When I was a beginner I found the workshop to be inspiring.  While much of the detail was beyond my capability, conceptually it was all very interesting.  I also found the time between presentations, (coffee breaks, lunch and workshop dinner) when I had the opportunity to talk with more experienced users to be particularly valuable for beg.  The workshops provided the motivation I needed persevere.

If you are a complete beginner I'd suggest working through tutorials before the workshop.  But if your using Radiance now, you're probably know enough to find value in the workshop.


PS - Here's a great presentation from Rob at his second workshop (after attending the workshop a year before as self-described newbie).   http://www.radiance-online.org/radiance-workshop2/cd/Guglielmetti/abstract.html  Hopefully well have some presentations from relatively new users this year too.

On May 19, 2011, at 12:18 PM, Sandy Houck wrote:

Is there any chance that there will be beginner level classes/workshops available?


Sandy Houck   LEED AP BD+C, LC
Brummitt Energy Associates Inc
2171 India Street, Suite B
San Diego, CA  92101
619-531-1126 phone,  619-531-1101 fax
shouck at brummitt.com<http://www.brummitt.com/>

From: Andy McNeil [mailto:amcneil at lbl.gov]
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2011 9:59 AM
To: Radiance general discussion
Cc: Dane Lay
Subject: [Radiance-general] 2011 International Radiance Workshop

Announcing the 2011 International Radiance Workshop

We are still working on the details, and to get a website up for registration.   In the meantime, I want to share what details we have so everyone can start to arrange travel.  I will send another notification when the registration website is ready to accept registration & payment.

Wednesday, August 24 - Seminar day
Thursday, August 25 - Workshop Day 1
Friday, August 26 - Workshop Day 2

We're still planning the seminar day, though I can fill you in on some specifics.  John Mardaljevic will present a crash course on the Radiance ambient calculation.  We will also have a few presentations covering measurement and simulation of complex fenestration from Greg Ward, Jacob Jonsson and Peter Apian-Bennewitz.  Someone from LBNL will present a preview of the complex glazing database (database for optical properties of non-specular fenestration).  There will also be a presentation covering a new Radiance material primitive!

Call for Presenters
As always, we rely on attendees to present their own work during the two-day workshop.  We are now officially opening the call for presenters.  Please email presentation abstracts to Andy McNeil (amcneil at lbl.gov<mailto:amcneil at lbl.gov>) by Wednesday August 3.

Registration Fee
We are working to get prices for everything.  In the meantime, I can tell you that the fee will be less than $300 for all three days.  Presenters will receive a small discount.  We'll announce the official cost probably when the registration website is launched.

We've reserved a small block of rooms at the Berkeley Lab Guest House (http://www.berkeleylabguesthouse.berkeley.edu/).  The guest house is located on the lab property and is conveniently located for the workshop.  However it is a bit removed from restaurants and nightlife of Berkeley.  The lab provides a shuttle bus to downtown Berkeley during normal lab hours.  A taxi service is available after lab hours.

We also recommend the following two hotels:
 - Hotel Shattuck Plaza - 1 block from the BART and 3 blocks away from the shuttle up to the lab, a short walk to the restaurants of gourmet ghetto.  http://www.hotelshattuckplaza.com/index.cfm
 - Hotel Durant - a 20 minute a walk from BART.  A 12 minute walk across UC campus to the LBL shuttle bus.    http://www.jdvhotels.com/hotels/sanfranciscoeastbay/durant

We look forward to hosting everyone here in Berkeley!

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