[Radiance-general] 3ds Max -> sketchup -> su2rad ?

Thomas Bleicher tbleicher at googlemail.com
Mon Jan 17 15:16:03 PST 2011

Thanks Claus.

I think I understand now what's going on

2011/1/17 Claus Brøndgaard Madsen <cbm at create.aau.dk>:
> I open Ruby console, set LOGLEVEL and ran export.
> Here's the output (dunno if it matters but apparently there
> is some complaint about a convert.exe not being found):

Not an issue here. "convert.exe" is used to convert textures
to tiffs which can then be converted to *.hdr files for Radiance.
If you don't have it you can't export textures, that's all.

Now on to the log:
> [I] RadComponent: '' [def='skp2C40']
> [V] ies data file 'C:/Users/cbm/AppData/Local/Temp/skp2C40.tmp' found
> [V] replacement file 'C:/Users/cbm/AppData/Local/Temp/skp2C40.tmp' found

Ok. The only top level entity in your scene is the component "skp2c40".
This component is created via export to a file "skp2C40.tmp" and then
loaded into your current file. su2rad tries to find an *.ies file by
substituting a ".ies" extension for a ".skp" extension. However, since
the file doesn't end with ".skp" nothing is substituted and the path to
"skp2C40.tmp" is returned as IES path. Therefore no geometry is created
and the whole export is replaced with an ies2rad command.

Temporary fix for now: delete the file
'C:/Users/cbm/AppData/Local/Temp/skp2C40.tmp' and any other skp*.tmp
files you might find there.

I can send you a file with a fix for su2rad later.

> [E] No such file or directory - C:/Users/cbm/Desktop/3dstoskpimport/radiance/objects

Here is the real problem of the export: Because there is no geometry
there is also no "objects" directory. The script tries to list it's contents
and crashes. Another thing I need to change.

If you can get rid of the wrong IES replacement above this should not
be an issue any more.


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