[Radiance-general] RE: "perfectly diffuse" light source

Thomas Bleicher tbleicher at googlemail.com
Thu May 27 12:53:39 PDT 2010

On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 8:08 PM, Chien Si Harriman <CHarriman at gb-eng.com>wrote:
> Do you have any ideas for how to calculate the losses down the shaft?

In a recent project I used mkillum to calculate the light available to a
disk at the top of the building, then moved the disk down to the level where
I wanted the light pipe to terminate. The output was reduced by 6% per meter
which is a value the manufacturer mentioned in one of their brochures
(although on the phone they were much more pessimistic about the performance
of a very long light pipe).

I don't know if this is an accurate way of calculating the performance. If
you think a light pipe is a realistic option in your situation I would
recommend a mock up.

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