[Radiance-general] Merge hdr-images

Anselm von Held anselm.von-held at arup.com
Thu Mar 18 03:09:54 PDT 2010

Dear users,


I produced a couple of hdr images, each from a different light source
(using the radiance module of Relux). I am looking for a way to merge
them and to be able to adjust their intensity. I tried to load them into
Photoshop, but I am not sure how to overlay (lighten?) them, and the
Photoshop layers are not working. 


Are there programs where I can easily do that (The one I know  is
Vivaldi from Zumtobel - is that any good?)? If I can do this in
Photoshop, how can I put the images onto different layers to be able to
mix them? How can I produce a little animation of fading in and out of
two images?


Thanks for your help




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