[Radiance-general] ranimate Host directive

Terrance McMinn T.McMinn at curtin.edu.au
Mon Mar 8 06:51:03 PST 2010

Hello list,

I am having folder specification difficulties setting up a test ranimate across multiple computers (using samba)

My test.ran files is:
RIF= test.rif
DIRECTORY= animation_process_network
VIEWFILE= anim.vf
#host= localhost 1 ~/test/current/animation_process_network masteruser
host= remote 1 ~/test/test/current/animation_process_network testuser
TRANSFER= ran2tiff -W 0.7 -h -z frame*.hdr

1. Assume the remote workstation is called remote
2. The remote username is testuser
3. The master usernmae is masteruser
4. I have commented out the localuser host as this works
5. ssh has been set up using RSA keys pairings
   Setup ssh key pairs:
   On the host system: ssh-keygen -t rsa (use enter for no passhrase)
   ssh-copy-id -i /home/masteruser/.ssh/id_rsa.pub testuser at remote
6. Samba mount:
   ssh testuser at remote
   smbmount //master/masteruser ~/test -o username=masteruser

On the host system I start the process with:
ranimate test.ran >& animation_process_network/anim.err

The anim.err file shows:
Process started on remote
remote: Error output from: rpict @animation_process_network/render.opt -vp -505.575 812.796 321.761 -vd 0.608355 -0.458502 -0.436495 -vu 0.396724 -0.283029 0.873215 -vh 56.547 -vv 41.1546 -w0 -o animation_process_network/frame%03d.unf -x 3708 -y 1644 -S 1 octrees/test.oct < animation_process_network/anim.vf
bash: line 0: cd: ~masteruser: No such file or directory
bash: animation_process_network/anim.vf: No such file or directory
ranimate: error rendering frames 1 through 3

1. What is confusing is where does the 'masteruser' come from (it is the username on the master workstation) when processing on the remote workstation the username is testuser!
2. Is the 'local directory' parameter on the host line (parameter 3) suppose to point to the same folder as the test.ran file is located (ie the same location as in the localhost line). Obviously on the remote workstation this folder 'smbmount' at some point x in the local filesystem.
3. The rpict command when run on the remote workstation works quite happily in the same folder.

I am using Linux - specifically Kubuntu 9.10 and radiance-3R9+20090811-1 (latest version)

Terrance Mc Minn
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