[Radiance-general] "INDIRECE"in .rif file

Lars O. Grobe grobe at gmx.net
Thu Jan 28 19:18:14 PST 2010

Hi Victor!
> Actually, i know what you mean, but the result is strange, it is not 
> what we expect. I donot know what is wrong in my setting. I used rad 
> and rtrace command as follwoing:
Hm, I still do not get why these two programs could be related.
> RAD 5.rif
I guess this is a typo, and what you actually type in is in small 
letters (rad 5.rif?). What is the result of this, I think there is no 
view given in your RIF. Is there any result from the run of rad? I would 
expect nothing to happen, as rad has nothing to do?

> rtrace -I -h -dp 2046 -ar 32 -ms 0.063 -ds .2 -dt .05 -dc .75 -dr 3 
> -sj 1 -st .01 -ab 8 -aa .1 -ad 512 -as 256 -av 0.01 0.01 0.01 -lr 12 
> -lw .0005 -af 5.amb 5.oct < 5.pts > 5.dat
How is this related to your rad-call? Why do you have this low 
ar-setting? Where are all these values derived from?

> In the .rif file: 
> RESOLUTION= 640 480
> render= -i
> So the result of rtrace command would donot matter with the seting in 
> .rif. However, if i changed the "INDIRECT" and keep any other settings 
> the same, the result of rtrace command is different.  Do you know the 
> reason?

Delete your RIF-file. Run the rtrace-command with the same parameters 
(maybe increase the ar first) several times, and compare the output in 

Cheers, Lars.

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