[Radiance-general] "INDIRECE"in .rif file

Thomas Bleicher tbleicher at googlemail.com
Wed Jan 27 02:01:05 PST 2010

On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 6:34 AM, victor li <victorpirates at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you for your reply!

> I am confused by the " INDIRECT = -abor INDIRECT=-ab-1. To keep the -ab
> value constant you have to override it in with the "render=" option."  In my
> setting, "INDIRECT would be a number, like INDIRECT = 5.

Sorry, I wanted to say that the value of "-ab" is calculated from
the value for INDIRECT depending on your QUALITY setting. If
you have QUALITY=low then "-ab" will be your INDIRECT value,
if you have QUALITY=medium or high then "-ab" will be the
INDIRECT value + 1. It was written in a rush.

If you want to force a particular value for an rpict (or rvu) option
you can add it to the "render=" setting (like the "-i" in your case).
Rad will add these options at the end of the generated rpict
command and so override all options that have been calculated
from the QUALITY etc. settings.

> For my setting in rtrace, other ambient options are high enough to avoid the
> mistake. [...] My setting is as following:
> rtrace -I -h -dp 2046 -ar 32 -ms 0.063 -ds .2 -dt .05 -dc .75 -dr 3 -sj 1
> -st .01 -ab 8 -aa .1 -ad 2048 -as 1024 -av 0.01 0.01 0.01 -lr 12 -lw .0005
> -af 5.amb 5.oct < 5.pts > 5.dat

I wouldn't call "-aa 0.1" and "-ar 32" particularly high. Can you
produce similar results for two calculations if you don't change

As Lars already wrote, the accuracy of rtrace is definded only
by the parameters above. The settings below have nothing to
do with it.

> RESOLUTION= 640 480
> render= -i


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