[Radiance-general] Create constant radiance image

David Smith dbs176 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 5 07:07:25 PST 2010

This script below may be on the right track. Save it as "pblank", make
it executable, and put it in /usr/bin or wherever. It'll make a X by Y
image with all pixels having value of VALUE. It requires Python to be
installed, by the way.


#! /bin/bash

# pblank - make an X by Y Radiance HDR image with all pixels having
values of VALUE
# Usage:
# pblank [x] [y] [value] > outfile
# by David Smith, July 2009

echo "print('$3 $3 $3 \n' * $1 * $2)" | python | pvalue -di -d -r -h
-H -y $2 +x $1

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