[Radiance-general] modelling reflections from surrounding buildings

Lars Grobe grobe at gmx.net
Wed Aug 11 02:39:32 PDT 2010


> The second block creates the actual sun with the first 3 parameters as
> direction vector. This vector needs to be modified by "reflecting" it on
> the plan of the reflecting window. You should be able to find the math
> for the that on the internet.

You can add a line

!gensky [genskyoptions] | xform [xformoption]

To your scene file.

xform will do the translations then. Check the manpage for it, it allows you to perform all necessary rotation, mirror and translation operations.

Just as Thomas, I still do not get want you really want to achieve and why not to use mirror modifiers and real geometry.

Cheers, Lars.

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