[Radiance-general] modeling a fresnel lense diffuser

Lars O. Grobe lars.grobe at nus.edu.sg
Fri Feb 20 02:28:29 PST 2009


I have to model a diffuser which consists of an array of fresnel lenses, 
and I want to be able to use the pmap extension. Is there any other way 
then modeling the lenses' geometry (or its equivalent full lenses')? As 
far as I got it, I cannot model it in prism2, as the distance from the 
lense center is not available when calculating the outgoing ray. Generic 
brtf is not supported with pmap.

I guess the best way to determine the properties of the lense is a laser 
pointer, millimeter-gridded paper and moving the pointer parallel to the 
lense surface, right? Or is there another way recommended for those of 
us who do not have a full equipped lab at home?

I have that strange feeling that I am leaving Radiance's application 
focus right here, but this is something quite relevant. These diffusers 
are commonly used with ligh redirecting systems, and these systems can 
be (and are) modeled using Radiance+pmap.

CU... Lars.
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