[Radiance-general] radmap (on windows)

Nick Doylend radiance at ndoylend.fastmail.fm
Sun Sep 21 15:47:27 PDT 2008

I just gave up trying to get it to run on Windows, even running without
any temporary files left hanging around it still generated a bunch of
zero length composite sky files and failed.

I had more luck running under Linux, and it seemed to do its thing much
faster.  However, I'm not sure how to interpret the results!  To test I
created a flat ground plane and looked at the cumulative map - the
results were about 822kWh/m2.yr when I traced points on the original kWh
image and approximately the same in the false coloured kWh image.  If I
looked at the source EPW data I found a cumulative global horizontal
radiation to be more like in the region of  1200kWh/m2.yr.  Shouldn't
they be the same (assuming I set lat/lon/mer correctly)?

The MJ scaled image didn't make much sense - I thought that 1kWh is
3.6MJ, but I get a much lower result when I look at MJ than kWh.

Are there any papers describing the program in more detail (I've looked
only briefly at the man page and a .pdf presentation so I'm probably
missing something)?



On Thu, 18 Sep 2008 15:02:13 +0200, "Jelle Feringa"
<jelleferinga at gmail.com> said:
> Nick,
> Looks like radmap is seeing that you already ran a simulation, and is
> not willing to overwrite the generated file ( even though perhaps your
> run was unsuccesful )
> -jelle

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