[Radiance-general] Custom false color palette

David Smith dbs176 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 18 08:12:17 PDT 2008

Aha, that was it, Greg. Thank you very much, it was a long day.

I still prefer the thermal- and very-technical-looking 3.8+ scale, but
for anybody interested, here are the falsecolor switches for the scale
I was talking about starting at black:

-r 'if(v-5/7,1,if(v-4/7,7*v-4,if(v-2/7,0,if(v-1/7,2-7*v,7*v))))'
-g 'if(v-6/7,7*v-6,if(v-5/7,6-7*v,if(v-3/7,1,if(v-2/7,7*v-2,0))))'
-b 'if(v-6/7,7*v-6,if(v-4/7,0,if(v-3/7,4-7*v,if(v-1/7,1,7*v))))'

...and starting at a 1/3 gray:

-r 'if(v-5/7,1,if(v-4/7,7*v-4,if(v-2/7,0,if(v-1/7,2-7*v,7*v+1/3))))'
-g 'if(v-6/7,7*v-6,if(v-5/7,6-7*v,if(v-3/7,1,if(v-2/7,7*v-2,if(v-1/7,0,1/3-7*v*1/3)))))'
-b 'if(v-6/7,7*v-6,if(v-4/7,0,if(v-3/7,4-7*v,if(v-1/7,1,7*v+1/3))))'

(Watch out for the line breaks.)


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