[Radiance-general] rif settings: quality variability detail

Christopher Rush Christopher.Rush at arup.com
Fri Sep 5 08:44:36 PDT 2008

There an overview table on pages 517 and 558 of Rendering with Radiance
for direct and ambient settings. I'm not sure if some of the other
settings are outlined in a similar manner in other portions of the book.

I suspect that the actual values given in those tables may be simplified
or have been updated since then. For example I thought that setting
Quality=High and Variability=High will give an -ad parameter above 1024.

> Quick question:  Can anyone tell me how the rad program interprets the
> HIGH/MEDIUM/LOW settings in the .rif file?  Does each setting have a
> corresponding pre-determined list of rpict parameters, or does it take
> scene geometry etc. and determine appropriate parameters each time?
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