[Radiance-general] Radiance, objline, objpict etc..

Greg Ward gward at lmi.net
Thu Jan 24 13:59:31 PST 2008

Hi Steve,

This is additional information to what Thomas wrote.  You can  
manually set the MDIR environment variable to the actual path on your  
system.  (Note that this variable only takes a single path directory,  
which must end with '/'.)  The objpict script does seem to be hard- 
coded, which is a mistake you can correct as Thomas suggested by  
editing the file.


> From: steve michel <smichel_designer at hotmail.com>
> Date: January 23, 2008 4:33:04 PM PST
> I was running test renders to determine some electric lighting  
> levels at a back wall: I had run ies2rad for the fixtures and  
> associated the distribution to simple flat geometry to the same  
> plane as the ceiling. When I render I don't 'see' the lights so I  
> ran objline and objpict to check that the geometry of fixtures are  
> there
> and get the following errors:
> $ objline Scene_1.rad | x11meta
> fatal - cannot open file "/usr/local/lib/ray/meta/vchars.mta", mode  
> "r"
> $ objpict Scene_1.rad | ximage
> oconv: system - cannot open scene file "/usr/local/lib/ray/lib/ 
> testroom": No such file or directory
> SO I guess I have a  two part question:
> 1- My setenv variables don't point to the directories  shown  
> above..so why is objline and objpict calling those locations
> and
> 2-Could someone clarify the visibility of lighting distributions  
> in  radiance. below is the fixture rad file

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