[Radiance-general] External 'clear' shading

Per Haugaard perhaugaard at yahoo.dk
Mon Feb 11 11:21:16 PST 2008

Dear Radiance users,

I am new to Radiance.

An existing building is being renovated in order to reduce its need for primary energy and optimize the building envelope daylight penetration. 

I order to reduce the need for cooling an external shading (glass with printing) is used. The data for the shading material is:
Light reflection (for both sides): 30% 
Light transmission:  23%

It is important to include the both parameter (transmission + reflection) in the study in order to clarify possible glare and in order to maximize daylight distribution to the room.

My question is: what material would be the best to use for the shading material in order to model this scene correctly and do I need to include skyfunc and illum for this?

Thank you in advance :)

Best Regards

Per Haugaard


Per Haugaard,
Griffenfeldsgade 33, 2.tv
2200 København N

mobil:  +45 26 39 06 40
E-mail: perhaugaard at yahoo.dk

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