[Radiance-general] BRTF for glazing

Lars O. Grobe grobe at gmx.net
Thu Dec 11 07:44:59 PST 2008

> the mentioned restriction occur also for glazings, which are defined as
> BRTDfunc!

Thank you for the clarification Jan, I had completely misunderstood this!

> My way is to use other standard material which do not show those
> restriction and to mix them together according to the
> transmission/reflection properties (which I get either from the
> manufacturer or I generate them with window  or WIS. The "mix-func-fix
> takes me 10 min and then I'll get a model which works for (hopefully ;-)
> ) all situations.

By standard material you mean glass (or trans or dielectric)? And you
use mix-func to describe the reflected component? Has this been
published somewhere? I never came across it so far...

> is trying to get close to the laboratory measurements. As far as we are
> now, we cannot get a potential contribution of multi-internal
> reflections within the glass for the sun as light source (the plastic
> stripes reflect the light and there should be a certain light transport
> to the inner side). The ambient calculation will not find the sun - even
> if the parameters for ad is increased radically.

Hm, is this something that could be better modeled using the pmap
extension? Or is the number of interreflections between the surfaces
(with their little distance) simply too high? I guess that you mean the
interreflections under low angles, right?

CU Lars.
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