[Radiance-general] Another rpiece question

David Smith dbs176 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 11 06:08:46 PDT 2008


The shell script I used is below, adapted from Mark Stock's reference
code. It runs rpiece -PP four times, each calling corresponding
rpicts, but the fourth rpiece/rpict instance is the only one where the
rpict does anything. From what I can tell, the rpict from the last
rpiece will fork and take over any available cores (making NCPU rpicts
for this rpiece, two rpicts for the other rpieces), leaving the rpict
instances of the other rpieces useless. That doesn't seem like the
right way to go about breaking up a picture, it seems like there are 4
rpicts but they are only working one segment of the 8x8 grid at a

I guess what I'm asking is this: Aside from the order in which the
picture gets processed, does rpiece x 4 == rpict -PP ?




echo "-vf 6.vf" > viewpoint
echo "-w -i -bv -ab 4 -ar 128 -ad 1024 -as 512 -aa 0.15 -av 0.0 0.0
0.0 -aw 0 -lr -10 -lw 0.004 -x 2048 -y 2048 -af ambfile -ps 1 -ds .1
-dj .6 -t 120" > options
echo "-o smp.unf model.oct" > arguments

echo $COLS $ROWS > syncfile
rm -f pp

while [ "$NCPU" -gt 0 ]
        echo "running proc $NCPU"
        rpiece -v -PP pp -F syncfile @viewpoint @options @arguments &
        NCPU=`expr $NCPU - 1`

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