[Radiance-general] Re: Radiance in Debian!

Axel Jacobs jacobs.axel at gmail.com
Sun Oct 14 16:48:13 PDT 2007

>> there're some wish scripts in src/utils which were written for wish3.6, but
>> 8.4 or so is the actual version - are there any issues I could run into while
>> shipping them?

> I don't think the trad code works anymore, and I haven't had time to update it.
> I imagine it would take some effort -- a day or two or three.

> (trad is not included in Debian therefore)

I use trad all the time. Still works flawlessly without hacking in:
- F7
- the latest LEARNIX, which is based on KNOPPIX 5.0.1, which is based
on Debian unstable from about one year ago.

Would be a shame not to include it. Why don't you just give it a try...


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