[Radiance-general] Occluder cache application?

Lars O. Grobe grobe at gmx.net
Tue Feb 13 10:56:24 CET 2007


as I am going to add some dedicated occluder objects to a rather large 
scene, I would like to understand some more details of how the caching 
works to concentrate my work on the right parts of the scene.

I have a scene with these light sources:

- daylight by gensky, but hidden behind mkillum sources
- groups of small light sources, again hidden in bounding mkillums

Now, I guess that for the direct calculation, I will get some speed when 
the occluders block the small light sources. But what about the light 
sources generated by mkillum?

Than, my scene has one more strange feature. More or less all the outer 
walls are instances. So putting a big occluder around the closed parts 
of the building would speed-up because I do not have to test for light 
sources behind the wall. But the only outer light source there is the 
sky distribution + sun. The sky distribution is an indirect source in 
Radiance afaik, so will I win anything?

Thanks, hope someone can bring some light into my occluded understanding 
of the cache,


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