[Radiance-general] output to .unf file

Huangwx ap.huangwx at archi.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Mon Jan 23 06:56:23 CET 2006

dear all:

I am using a supercomputer which has 128 CPUs, 
and should be very fast. But I found the rendering 
speed is almost the same as my notepad. A stuff of 
the super computer said that most time was not 
taken by computation, but by outputing data to 
files. I think writing data to the .unf file must take
 a lot of time. The supercomputer uses NFS 
storage, so maybe because it is too slow, the 
rendering cannot be finished quickly. If there is any
 way that radiance do not use the NFS storage 
during rendering, but only the memory, I think the 
speed could be greatly improved.

The rendering parameters in .opt file:
-dp 256
-ar 28
-ms 2.6e+02
-ds .3
-dt .1
-dc .5
-dr 1
-sj .7
-st .1
-ab 2
-af day.amb
-ad 329
-as 42
-av 0.36 0.36 0.36
-lr 8
-lw .002
-st .001
-dj .02
-aa 0.25
The image size: 256x176

Thank you very much.


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