[Radiance-general] Compute direct component from sky only

nick devlin nickd at xco2.com
Thu Sep 22 10:00:56 CEST 2005

Dear All,

I am trying to calculate the direct light from the sky for a reference  
grid within a number of rooms. I am sure there is a sophisticated manner  
in which to achieve this, but I have cobbled together an approach in the  
following way:

delete the ground source glow from the sky.rad description
use rtrace to calculate the values for the points, but set -av 0 0 0 and  
use a single material for all surfaces (except apertures!) which is  
excluded from the ambient calculation using -ae.

There are some points within the rooms, which I am pretty certain do not  
have a direct view of the skydome, and therefore should return a zero  
value, but they do not.

Any thoughts?



Nick Devlin
1-5 Offord Street
London N1 1DH

Tel: 020 7700 1000
Fax: 020 7700 4455

Engineering Sustainability

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