[Radiance-general] Materials for scale model room

Federico Giovannetti f.giovannetti at isfh.de
Thu Sep 8 12:38:40 CEST 2005

Hallo Greg, hallo Radiance Community!

I'm trying to compare some Radiance-simulation results with experimental measurements (i know it's not that easy, i'm just trying).
As I would like to isolate (as good as possible) the effects of glazing system and skylight distribution, i'm looking for diffusing materials for my scale-room which can be  physically very good  modeled with Radiance. That is materials whose BRTDF is not more complex than a TRANS-type. So that i don't have to worry too much about them (??).
Some textil materials (such as molleton for theater applications)  seem to be good diffusing ones, with an almost lambertian behaviour, but i'm still searching...
Has anybody in the community a good tip (matt paint, etc.)?

Thanks a lot for any contribution and have a nice day,

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